Thirteen things about my Great Grandma Harmon
1. She always smelled good.
2. Her hands were always very soft
3. She had the most beautiful skin
4. She rarely went into the sun
5. Her legs were gourgeous, the nurses were always telling her she had the legs of a teenager.
6. She was kind to all around her
7. She was also stern and expected children to behave
8. Her passion was geneology and she was good at it
9. she loved teaching others about her passion
10. she could get snappy when she need to. she knew were she stood and she stood firm
11. she spoke softly, but with conviction
12. she loved her children and grandchildren and only wanted to best for them.
13. she always supported her children and grandchildren in their desicions, even if she didn't agree
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i remember my great grandma austa valentine caudle. she passed away when she was 95. i named my first born, holly austa in her honor and austa and was so proud of "little austa".
nice tt. thanks for visiting mine.
What a wonderful list, for a wonderful lady. Its very apparent what a great role model she was for you. Thanks for stopping by my TT.
So sorry about your loss, great tribute to your grandma. You were so lucky to have her in your adult life. May she rest in peace.
Your great grandma sounds like a lovely lady. When I was a little girl I always thought soft hands made a woman a good mother. Isn't that silly? But, your listing that made me think of that.
Couldn't leave a comment yesterday 'cause of Blogger's boo-boos - whatever they were this time - so I'm back today. :)
LOVE your TT this week. A beautiful tribute. The love you have for your family is so beautiful.
What a beautiful tribute....and what a special lady!
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