Tuesday, May 16, 2006


Katy got her second hair cut over the weekend, thanks to my mother. I had mentioned in passing that Katy needed a bit of a trim, because she was getting "“wings"” on the side of her head again.

So my mom took the liberty of getting her hair cut, ALL over on Saturday. I was just being able to put it up in little pigtails and they were so cute. My mom had Denise (our beautician neighbor) blend everything together and while it looks better on the sides, it'’s not long enough to put in pigtails. I could of just screamed when I saw it. Here I was having big plans of pigtails with ribbons for her first birthday and now it won'’t work. phooey


Trish Ess said...

Awww... that sucks.

I know that's one of the things I missed out on, not having a girl - but my son has an 18" braid - it's never been cut since the day he was born, and he hasn't got any plans to cut it, either. :) Looks very cool on him.

Trish Ess said...

Not all of his hair is long - just the braid.. like a tail .. but we have to keep it braided because his hair is naturally curly. :) I think it looks very cool. So does he. And it's a "chick magnet". LOL