Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Great Grandma Update - Coma

Grandma is now in a coma. She can hear everything we say and is responding somewhat, but there is no real movement. We went to see her tonight and it was so hard. I didn't even feel that she was really there. I know's that's because she is some where else, her spirit has gone somewhere else to be away from her pain. Her breathing is very, very shallow and they have taken her off the oxygen. (The phone just rang and I thought it was my mom saying she was gone. She just wanted to let me know that my sister will be here this weekend.) The hospice nurse said again today, as she had already said Sunday that we are down to hours. We are basically planning on having the viewing Sunday night, Funeral Monday and burial Tuesday. It's weird to be making plans based around a funeral. I'm going to notify work tomorrow that I will need Monday and Tuesday off. Bryan and Loralee are here and will stay until after the funeral. Bryan was in with Grandma and asked if she wanted a foot rub, she actually said "yes" and moved her leg a bit. He is so sad to get here and not even be able to talk to her. I'm eternally grateful that we got to see her over Mother's Day weekend and that she was able to visit with us then. We are having a family prayer tonight that she will soon be released from this earth and return to the heaven's above. My mom wrote a beautiful poem that I will share later. It came to her as she was driving home from work and it fits Grandma so well. She will be very much missed, but I know she is glad to go "home" and be with Grandpa again. I just wanted to write some feelings before bed. I will have a lot of catching up to do when I get back. I'm posting my Thursday Thirteen which I did a few days ago tonight so that it will be up. Make sure to add your link.

1 comment:

MJ Tam said...

Sorry to hear about that. My prayers are with you and your family.